Here you will find opinionated reflections on various topics. The opinions are my own and do not reflect those of any of my current or past employers.
- Why and How I Write (09/04/2023)
- Working in a full-remote job (14/02/2023)
- My Death and Rebirth (28/06/2022)
- Teaching Digital Education to 10-14 year olds (28/06/2022)
- I quit my position as lecturer in Software Engineering (27/06/2022)
- Teaching Software Engineering to Undergraduates (01/02/2022)
- Rethinking my role as Teacher in times of Distance Learning (09/12/2021)
- Why would you do a Masters Degree in Computer Science? (26/08/2021)
- Becoming a Digital Teaching Nomad? (04/02/2021)
- About the Privilege of constant Learning (21/01/2021)
- From Coder to Developer (20/01/2021)
- Software Engineering is a learning process, working code a side effect (18/01/2021)
- Teaching Haskell means teaching important concepts (17/01/2021)